Earthseed Laboratories

A healing justice demonstration site nourishing the land, the leaders and the movements necessary for abolition futures.

The Vision

“... our notions of what counts as radical have changed over time. Self-care and healing and attention to the body and the spiritual dimension– all of this is now a part of radical social justice struggles. That wasn’t the case before.”

-Angela Y. Davis

Our Mission

Movement building, Leadership development and Fugitive Study

We must nourish the capacity of our movements and grow the leadership of those most impacted. Earthseed Laboratories brings healing justice to the center, challenging how capitalist time is reproduced in our responses to the crisis. This is about space to grow our capacity and the possibilities we can imagine. We will be offering one-day workshops, retreats ranging from a weekend to longer, stewardships and more.

Central to our values is a notion of praxis- whereby we move between reflection and action in an iterative process. Thus we engage in study in community. This is not only necessary for our individual development, but also the development of our “common tongue” across movements, shared language and ability to talk across our differences with dexterity. Folks reclaim their power as thinkers here. This work isn’t centralized but it has a foundation in the Octavia E. Butler Freedom Archive- an evolving collection of books, art, seeds and artifacts.

Abolitionist Reentry Praxis & Mutual Aid

This is the heart of what we do.

Those most impacted by state violence must be at the center of movements to transform modes of accountability, policing, prisons & carceral relations more generally. Organizations oriented toward abolition have known this for a long time.

Mainstream prisoner reentry work embedded in State structures too often fails to question the conditions of mass imprisonment’s emergence and then co-opts the language of critique while making the carceral system more flexible, legitimate and cost effective (See Byrd 2016). A lot of important survival work happens within mainstream reentry programs but we need to ground the work in a more fundamental transformation of the logics underpinning these processes.

Food+ Sovereignty

Earthseed Laboratories will be a working forest farm that challenges conventional notions of what a farm is and uses community farming as a method of social change. Growing food, medicines, fiber, flowers, seeds and our skills for a new world.

In Parable of the Sower, they establish a community called Acorn and there, everyone has to be learning a new skill and teaching one they already know. At Earthseed Laboratories folks are always learning and always teaching. We want to proliferate a diverse range of learning opportunities across regenerative & climate-just agriculture, green construction, sustainable technologies, and ecological restoration.

As people find their medicine we will incubate businesses and cooperatives so that returning citizens are supported in giving their gifts to the world.


Coming from cultures based on individualism, competition and extraction, many of us have to practice new ways of relating to one another and ourselves. Sometimes our most transformative strategies are the simple things, like sitting down and sharing food. We curate gatherings to practice the modes of connection we need for liberation.